๐ŸŒฑ Off the Clock Design Challenge - DustLink

A small step further

In the documentation on DustCloud I have found a guide how to connect from the PC to the IP Manager. It seemed very easy so I installed the DustLink.

You can easily start the DustLink by executing the Python script called dustLinkFullWeb.py from the /bin/dustLinkFullWeb directory:

-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 daymoon  staff   2,3K 21 lis  2014 dustLinkFullWeb.py*
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 daymoon  staff   4,5K 21 lis  2014 logging.conf*

The output to the console is very short:

Dust Link - (c) Dust Networks

> help
Available commands:
 - help (h): print this menu
 - info (i): information about this application
 - quit (q): quit this application
 - uptime (ut): how long this application has been running
 - stats (st): display statistics from a subset of connected managers

What is more interesting is the webpage available at localhost:8080 address.

Firstly you have to sign in as an administrator with credentials: admin/admin.

Then from the lefthand sidebar on the DustLink Welcome page, select Managers. This will take you to the Managers page to add or delete a manager.

By default, DustLink is looking for a manager on the serial port /dev/ttyUSB3 but this is not correct device. You have to find the device for IP Manager, in my case it is:


The most interesting is that you can configure up to 4 applications built-in in the Motes. 

So far I have not been able to get any data from the Mote by I hope this is only a question of time ๐Ÿค–

๐ŸŽฏ Next step

To find a way how to forward data from Mote to IP Manager. There is the application to send Temperature data but currently no data have been transfered. Then I will be very close to build a sensor application.


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